Τετάρτη 17 Μαΐου 2017

Factors that cause difficulties and problems in breeding

Let me give here the most important reasons that lead to problems and difficulties and failures in Canary breeding, of course, many reasons have been mentioned in our forum through various Honourable members, and so I wanted to summarize them in order to be a reference for breeders to know the reasons that should be avoided and prevented in order to raise successful without obstacles.
I hope that I will put all the factors and reasons.
For your information these factors apply to all pet birds.

Problems of breeding in various stages:
1 - The failure of birds to mate: in terms of compatibility and harmony between the couple and the acceptance to one another.
2 - Mating but do not lay eggs.
3 - Lay eggs, but not fertilized.
4 - Eggs fertilized but failed to hatch.
5 - Have been laying eggs, but broken.
6 - A high proportion of rotten eggs.
7 - A high proportion of death in the egg.
8 - Chicks can not get out of the egg.
9 -Weak or the death of chicks in the nest.

Causes of these problems:
1 - The failure of birds to mate:
* Not fully mature one of them, or both.
* Too young one of them, or both.
* pair is not a mating pair, ie, it can be male with a male or female with female.
* Fear, inconvenience and disruption in the light schedule (external influences).
* Nutritional problems: either poor nutrition or excessive obesity.
* Disturbance in the hormones.
* Diseases.
* Atrophy of the sexual glands of one or both pair.
* Hereditary diseases or defects.
* Various problems in the reproductive system.
Environment that is suitable for mating, such as a confined space do not have room enough for the couple, a lack of nesting materials, lighting is insufficient or irregular in the number of hours of light, the temperature is stable, such as very low or very high.
* Excessive mating in a single season.
* Take the pair is appropriate: if possible, change either bird; the male with another female or the female with another male.
* Season is not suitable.

2 - Mating but do not lay eggs:
* One of the reasons mentioned above.
* Similar in sex.
* Entrapment of a white or other problems in the female reproductive system, such as infections of the uterus or ovaries, or atrophy of the reproductive system in general.

3 - Lay eggs but not fertilized:
* One of the reasons mentioned in the first item.
* The absence of the male: some may not realize that the female bird breeders as possible if the bleaching was isolated alone or with another female.
* May interfere with some drugs, if given for long or high doses in the metabolism and hormones in the body causing sexual sterility of any of the sexes.
* The male is small and inexperienced.
* You may not leave the female from the nest to mate with the above-mentioned
correctly or not hunting her enough.
* For sizes larger than the male of female, and therefore do not appreciate that which is borne by them.
* Mentioned as possible long nails, which hurt the female when the process of pollination.
* The existence of small feathers on the male penis.
* Roost is not constant, leading to lack of provisions of enrichment.
* Male protector and ready but there is no sperm ready. For example, it was sometime in the emptying sperm to impregnate loose and when the vaccination was the arbitrator were not sperm are present. Sometimes there is no sperm in the presence of chicks when (Sobhan Allah protect the chicks from the ferocity of the father because of the high concentration of male hormone), so these hormones during the fade and a chicken to ease the male and therefore there is no sperm.
These are the reasons that make the breeder surprising that everything is excellent and walking is fine, but there is no fertilized eggs and the reason that the sperm are not available at any time.
* In the course of infection, which kills sperm, or an overlap between the presence of urine and feces of sperm (as we know that the slot direction common to all).
* Infections in the course of the female reproductive system, or high acidity kills sperm. Or scrap it out once they come out of the insemination of sperm with the waste.
* The lack of in one of the vitamins such as selenium and vitamin E, leading to sperm is intact (distorted) or weak (not able to fertilize an egg).
* Full of male infertility congenital or not congenital.
* Obesity, which hinder the process of fertilization or inactivity of the male.
* Mentioned in satisfactory condition, or in the process of molting.

4 - eggs failed to hatch:
* Annoyed by the female foster breeder, cats, mice, insects, voice spam, fumes, gases and unpleasant odors, or other birds from the nest until the chicks or the former than the male.
* Cold eggs: eggs that did not take the temperature for incubation because of the inconvenience or failure of a female female egg incubator to cover properly, especially if she was holding the additional eggs (ie, the presence of 5 or six eggs in each nest).
* Destruction of the shell of the egg by accident or because of an accident: for example, when pregnant, or because long nails, a very small crack is enough to contaminate the egg and kill the fetus. May break the egg from the mother impulsively sudden involuntary movement or when harassed, such as what happens with the mother Alhanona that refuses to play for white teacher forcing that spared his hand or to carry out an inspection of the nest when the eggs.
* May move some of the infectious diseases of the female of the fetus Vtguetlh before hatching. Some types of bacteria such as Salmonella can penetrate through the shell of the egg to the inside.
* Flaws in the food. Severe drought, moisture is adequate.
* Hereditary diseases affecting the development of the fetus.

5 - Broken eggs:
* Hassle.
* Poisoning: for example, or carbon dioxide and other gases such as toxic or chlorinated hydrocarbones which causes breaks in the shell of the egg.

6 - rotten eggs:
Rotten eggs is where the contents of rotting after incubation. Eggs may be enriched by decomposing the warming nursery or infection or neglect, leaving a long period of eggs by the female incubated. The other option is to have eggs fertilized but died due to infection, neglect, and a genetic deformity or injury or because of reasons in a third and fourth items at the top.
7 - dead chicks inside the egg:
There are multiple reasons are mentioned in each item, the third, fourth and fifth. Additional reason is the drought conditions of the fetus, especially in cases of dry air and expert know what the mother needs to go so Vtsthm eggs remain moist and then go back and sit on the eggs.
8 - the inability of the chick to get out of the egg:
* Dry egg shell.
* The low temperatures hinder hatching, where they cause cold and low metabolic rate to the chick.
* Poor baby can not break the shell of the egg and get out in time, especially if the crust was thick and solid bass, even the natural may not be able to be broken. Teacher intervention will not help unless the egg remained pierced chick becomes weaker and then the egg should be opened carefully and pull sheet.
* Often happens to be the egg round (circular) not more oval. Therefore it will not chick heading toward the void of any antenna will not be inferred, so it will not penetrate the crust, leading to suffocation and death.
* If his head was trapped under the left wing and not right. Chick programmed to move in the opposite direction Fathagb egg as it moves. But when the imprisoned his head under the left wing can not puncture the egg dies his body inside.
* When the legs over his head. Also does not happen a hole and die.
* Other reasons such as infection, lack of nutrition in the mother than the fetus is weak after its completion.

9 - weakness and death of chicks in the nest:
* Hassle: Death may occur due to negligence by the parents as a result of the hassle (the first paragraph in the fourth item).
* Illness or death of a parent, particularly the female, causing a small cooler and death by starvation.
* Flaws in the food.
* Infectious disease, lack of cleanliness of the nest, Fash.
* Do not give food to the parents, such as soft-boiled eggs.

Source:  http://ica.canaryfans.com/

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